
Lee's Illustrated Stamp Listopedia ©1999-2001 


Information sources for beginning stamp collectors.
AskPhil Ask Phil General answers to questions about stamp collecting.  Sponsored by the Collectors Club of Chicago.
Alphabetilately Alphabetilately An illustrated stamp collecting article for each letter of the alphabet.  Compiled by William M. Senkus from contributions by members of the American Institute of Graphic Arts.
Collecting Basics (Linn's) Collecting Basics The basics plus articles on postmarks, postal stationery and souvenir cards, from the publishers of Linn's Stamp News.
1840on 1840on Set of articles and links aimed at bringing the stamp collecting newcomer up to speed.  Includes a nice explanation of the printing process.  By Frank Mardle.
Handbook of Stamp Collecting Basics Handbook of Stamp Collecting Basics Introductory guide from the International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors.
How to Avoid Common Mistakes (JPA) How to Avoid Common Mistakes as a Beginning Stamp Collector One of a variety of pamphlets offered by the Junior Philatelists of America.
Junior Philatelists on the Internet Junior Philatelists on the Internet Not just for juniors, this site has more than 40 articles that run the gamut of stamp collecting topics.  Good coverage of tools and techniques of the trade.
The Mystery Box Ezine The Mystery Box E-Zine Periodically updated articles on stamp history and mystery.
Stamps FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Stamps FAQ Gert Bultman's Stamps FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is a bit out of date (12/96) but is packed with information.
StudyWeb: Teaching_Resources: Stamp Collecting, General StudyWeb: Teaching_Resources: Stamp Collecting, General Selection of stamp collecting web sites recommended as learning resources.  Includes detailed site descriptions.


See also
Link About.com Guide to Kids' Collecting A selection of links for junior collectors.
Link AllExperts.com: Stamps Submit your stamp-related questions to one of the "volunteer artisans" on staff.
Link APS Youth Activities Pamphlets for young collectors from the American Philatelic Society.
Link Education International Stamp Links List of sites of interest to stamp lovers and students.
Link Filency Short online encyclopedia of stamp collecting by the maker of Collect-A-ROM catalog software (Dutch)
Link Linn's Refresher Course Index Index to the online archives of informative weekly Linn's Refresher Course column.
Link The Making of a Stamp How Canada produces its stamps.
Link My [Relative] Just Left Me a Stamp Collection; Now What? Delphi Stamp Collecting Forum answer to this frequently asked question.
Link Myths and Other Oddities Australasian Philatelic Traders Association guide to common misconceptions.
Link Stamp Collecting Set of introductory articles published in association with the Royal Mail.
Link Stamps -- an Interesting Hobby Historical overview of the hobby at Austria-Albums.
Link Youth Collectors Zone Includes monthly quiz, free classifieds and supplies for novices.

