
Lee's Illustrated Stamp Listopedia ©1999-2000 


Web encyclopedias, glossaries, stamp identifiers and translations of stamp collecting terms.
AskPhil Glossary of Stamp Collecting Terms Glossary of Stamp Collecting Terms Dictionary from the Collectors Club of Chicago's informative philatelic reference site,  AskPhil.  The authors have also compiled a glossary and several abbreviation lists pertaining to stamp auctions.
Filahome Stamp Collecting Encyclodpedia Filahome Stamp Collecting Encyclopedia Ruud van Capelleveen's stamp collecting encyclopedia is a feature of the Dutch web magazine, Filahome.
Enciclopédia de Filatelia Enciclopédia de Filatelia Associação Filatélica Alentejo Algarve of Portugal's encyclopedia includes a philatelic glossary, stamp identifier and 6-language translation dictionary (Portuguese).
Multilingual Philatelic Vocabulary Multilingual Philatelic Vocabulary Philatelic terms cross-listed in 7 languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.   See also Translations of the Various Designations of Color.  Both lists are from Vadim Lapin's Premier Russian Philatelic Site.
Standard Philatelic Abbreviations Philatelic Abbreviations Abbreviations related to stamp collecting published by The Stampguyz.
Philatelic Dictionary Philatelic Dictionary Stamp dictionary from the Love Indonesia Philately web site.
Philatelic Words and Phrases Translated into Other Languages Philatelic Words and Phrases Translated into Other Languages A table of postal terms presented in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
SCV Stamp Identifier SCV Stamp Identifier A glossary of stamp inscriptions and rough count of the number of issues bearing the inscription.
Stamp Collecting Terms Stamp Collecting Terms Definitions of 300 terms from the Linns.com reference section.


See also
Link Abbreviations and Philatelic Terminology Philatelic abbreviations expanded.
Link Color Abbreviations Color abbreviations used in stamp catalogs.
Link Dictionnaire Philatélique Illustrated glossary of more than 300 terms (French).
Link German-English Philatelic Dictionary German-English and English-German translations.
Link Inscriptions/Overprints on Stamps AskPhil's compendium of inscriptions and overprints.
Link Kosel Briefmarken Lexikon Well cross-linked glossary from Austria (German).
Link Le Dico Stamp dictionary by Toussaint Coppolani (French).
Link Lexicon of Turkish Philately Defines terms related to the stamps of Turkey (German).
Link Space Cover Notes and Abbreviations Terms associated with space and other topical covers.
Link Stamp Design Glossary From the U.S. Museum of Essays and Proofs.
Link Swedish-English Dictionary Translation of common Swedish words and abbreviations.
Link USPS Glossary of Postal Terms Collector's glossary from the U.S. Postal Service.
Link Yvert et Tellier Glossary By the French catalog publisher (French).

